Matthias Lachenmann


BHO Legal

Attorney-at-Law; Data Protection Officer

Dr. Lachenmann is an attorney-at-law and partner at BHO Legal in Cologne, Germany, and advises international groups and SME. He has been advising on data protection law for more than 10 years and is a Data Protection Officer (UDIScert). Dr. Lachenmann is the editor of the "Formularhandbuch Datenschutzrecht" at C.H. Beck, a member of the scientific advisory board of the Zeitschrift für Datenschutz (ZD) and co-chair of the IAPP chapter Rhine-Ruhr.


Contributions by Matthias Lachenmann

  • Privacy and Criminal Law: Police requests for information, inventory data information and fines | Datenschutz und Strafrecht: Polizeiliche Auskunftsersuchen, Bestandsdatenauskunft und Bußgelder
    Speaker at In-Person Rhine-Ruhr KnowledgeNet: 14 March 2024
  • Data Driven Marketing im Rahmen des TTDSG und datenschutzrechtliche Herausforderungen | Data Driven Marketing in the context of the TTDSG and Privacy Challenges
    Speaker at In-Person Rhine-Ruhr KnowledgeNet: 31 Oct. 2023