Deborah Evans, CIPP/C


Rogers Communications

Chief Privacy Officer

Deborah Evans is the Chief Privacy Officer at Rogers Communications, where she is responsible for privacy across all lines of business, including management of CASL and telemarketing rules. She is also responsible for Rogers’ relationship with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and the CRTC Enforcement Branch.

Deborah joined Rogers in 2007 and has progressed through various positions within the organization’s Regulatory team. She has managed Rogers’ privacy office since 2014.

Deborah holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics from Brock University; and a Master’s of Public Affairs, from Carleton University. She also holds a CIPP/C privacy certification from the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).  


Contributions by Deborah Evans

  • Good Privacy and Good Comms: At Odds or Symbiotic?
    Speaker at IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2023
  • Good Privacy and Good Comms: At Odds or Symbiotic?
    Speaker at IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2023
  • Compliance and Enforcement Trends in e-Marketing
    Speaker at IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2023
  • Compliance and Enforcement Trends in e-Marketing
    Speaker at IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2023
  • Borrow Some, Leave Some: What Canada Can Learn From GDPR
    Speaker at IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2022
  • Member of Canadian Advisory Board 2022 - 2025
  • Federal Privacy Reform in Canada: The Consumer Privacy Protection Act
    Web Conference Speaker
  • Member of Canadian Advisory Board 2020 - 2021